Monday, November 11, 2013

Don't miss club meetings during the holidays!!

Keeping the Holidays Happy

You need your meetings more than ever!

It’s a few weeks before the end of the year and you’re falling behind in preparations. Your boss needs that year-end report, your kids need costumes for the school play, and your mother needs you to arrange her travel for the holidays.You need a 30-hour day! Some Toastmasters members try to reduce their holiday hassles by missing club meetings during these busy weeks. That’s the last thing they should do!
Remedy for the Holiday Rush 
Spending time with fellow Toastmasters is an ideal antidote to holiday pressures. As a club leader, it’s your job to remind members of the stress-busting benefits of attendance. Get the word out by email, phone call, postcard or a posting on your club’s website. By keeping up with their meetings, they’ll have the chance to:
  • See friends
  • Share some fun and laughs
  • Discover more about their fellow members’ expertise
  • Enjoy well-earned time for self-improvement
  • Escape the demanding world for a while
Their schedules may be telling them that they don’t have time – but for their own health and well-being – be sure to recommend that your club members attend every meeting.
Reaping the Benefits If you happen to be a club member who steadfastly attends meetings throughout the season, pat yourself on the back. Not only have you been helping yourself, you’ve been helping your fellow Toastmasters to continue their pace of steady improvement while enjoying all the benefits listed above.
Missing In Action 
Perhaps you’re missing some of your friends from your club. They've skipped meetings and maybe sent you an email stating that they’d be back after the holiday season. What can you do? Remind them of all that you’re getting for attending this season. Send your friends an email and share the list of benefits.
More ideas 
You might schedule some holiday-themed meetings, with special treats and surprise guests. Wouldn't it be fun to get together with some former members from years gone by? Send out the invitations and prepare yourself for a wonderful reunion with your Toastmasters friends.

This article was originally publish at the Toastmasters International website. You can find free resources and more articles like this at Toastmasters International Free Resources .

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