Monday, October 21, 2013

Working together equals success!!


A key to success
When you hear the word, “teamwork,” what comes to mind? Do you see a positive image of everyone collaborating and working together? Or maybe you remember a not-so-positive experience when a team project fell on your shoulders because you were the only one who cared if it succeeded? Whatever the case may be, teamwork can be beneficial to all involved, especially if every “team player” respects the other players’ roles. Whether you are the project owner, contributor, collaborator or assistant – as a player, you’re an integral part of the puzzle.
American industrialist, Henry Ford, said, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Whether constructing the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal or the Golden Gate Bridge, history proves the importance of working together. Now, whether it’s running a presidential campaign, keeping a business afloat, or building and maintaining a thriving Toastmasters club – teamwork is still the key component for success.
Benefits of Teamwork 
You’ll find many benefits to joining a team. Your team might create a thriving home, community or professional environment. Or they might build a flourishing Toastmasters group. These advantages include:
  • Families can take pleasure in a harmonious environment by working together to complete daunting tasks such as housework and chores.
  • Community fundraisers or programs flourish when they capitalize on everyone’s individual strengths, knowledge, personal contacts and individual contributions.
  • Professional teams thrive by collaborating on assignments, contributing ideas and using the “divide and conquer” strategy to finish large projects.
  • In Toastmasters, new club officers enjoy a smooth transition into office when they can work with their predecessors as a team to ensure all duties are covered, questions are answered and best practices are maintained.
In so many ways, a team mentality will enhance your personal and professional life, as well as make your goals and projects more fulfilling and successful. Most importantly, team members enjoy:
  • Making the most of individual strengths
  • Producing diverse ideas
  • Reaping the benefits of collaborative decision-making
  • Encouraging involvement
  • Improving workload distribution
Sometimes a little extra effort is required to enjoy all these benefits. Is your team experiencing issues with conflict? There are a few ways that personalities might clash in a team, but experienced leaders know how to correct such situations and steer a new course for success. You can Turn Team Conflict into Team Harmony.
Incorporate Teamwork into Your Environment Here are some items from Toastmasters International to aid in your team efforts:

This article was originally publish at the Toastmasters International website. You can find free resources and more articles like this at Toastmasters International Free Resources .

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