Saturday, September 21, 2013

Successful role-filling for your Toastmasters Club

Filling Club Meeting Roles

Have you ever wondered how you were going to get all the meeting roles filled for the following week? Or the one after that? How about finding a replacement for someone who wasn't able to make it to the meeting? You are not alone. While many clubs have members volunteering right and left, other clubs struggle from week to week to get their roles filled. The reasons for this can vary from busy schedules to lack of organization to not wanting to commit or even not being aware of the opportunities available. Several Toastmasters clubs have experienced success in overcoming these hurdles by using the methods below. While all of these methods won’t work for all clubs, you can pick and choose the methods that work for you.
Educate Your Members on the CL What works for Manassas Community Toastmasters and Speak Up Manassas Toastmasters? According to Bill Malthouse ACG ALB, 2009-2010 Division F Governor for District 27, writing the corresponding Competent Leadership project numbers next to the applicable roles on the meeting agenda helps. This reminds members that they can get CL credit for fulfilling a specific meeting role, and it also encourages them to improve their leadership skills by working through the Competent Leadership manual. Your club’s meeting roles get filled, while members work to earn their Competent Leader award. It’s a win-win situation.
Ask for Volunteers Well in Advance Another great way to get those roles filled is to ask for volunteers two to three weeks ahead of time. This gives members more time to prepare, which helps relieve the pressure and allows them to work around prior commitments. Make sure to remind members of the roles they agreed to fill the week before they are scheduled. Also, try having a “standby” role so that members can fill in for any last minute no-shows or changes in a person’s schedule. If a member does step up and fill a role at the last minute due to a no-show or cancellation, recognize their courage and participation. 
Use Club Management Software
Asking for volunteers weeks in advance, in conjunction with using club scheduling software to schedule and rotate members is also a popular choice. Use these programs and tools to send out reminders, enter requests and create assignments. They are easy to use and can be updated quickly, which helps keep your club well organized and prepared. 
Assign Roles
If all else fails, you may just need to try assigning roles and asking members if they would be up for the challenge. Remind them that a Toastmasters club only works if all members are engaged and participating in meeting roles. Focus on the fact that while they are helping the club, they are also honing their leadership skills and earning credit towards their CL. Show them that you are interested in helping them achieve their goals, as well as helping the club.
Whether your club follows Manassas Community Toastmasters and Speak Up Manassas Toastmasters’ lead or uses another suggested method, you’re well on your way to successful role-filling.

You can find free resources and more articles like this at Toastmasters International Free Resources .

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