Friday, August 19, 2011


Rule 1: Communicate with excitement. Let loose; don’t act like you are wrapped in Saran Wrap. Get over the idea that you are being judged and stop saying to yourself that’s not me, so I can’t do it. If not now, then when.

Rule 2: Know your audience before giving a talk. Don’t try to give a talk on growing mushrooms when the room is full of medical doctors.

Rule 3: Don’t give a talk on a subject you have little knowledge, and experience. The audience must believe the messenger before they will believe the message.

Rule 4: Communicate with confidence. There is no difference between talking to one person and a group of people.

Rule 5: Practice, practice, practice. The more speeches you give the better you will get.

Rule 6: Have fun and smile a lot.

Rene Roy/ DTM

Member of Twin City Toastmasters