Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Because Communication Isn't Optional

Whether verbal or nonverbal, let’s face it – communication isn’t optional.

Every day we are tasked with a variety of situations where communication comes into play. How many times have you heard, “I could see it on your face” or, “Your body language speaks volumes”? How many times have you spoken off-the-cuff and then later wished you’d said something else?

Developing and honing this important skill, along with the other skills you gain in Toastmasters, will give you the confidence you need in a variety of areas, both personally and professionally.

In these tough economic times, your skills are even more important. Maybe you are looking for a job? Having the competitive edge may be what lands you the position. In Toastmasters, you practice thinking on your feet. The more you practice, the more self-confidence you gain, which will give you the advantage you need.

Does your current job require you to give business presentations? You can develop and polish these skills by working through the Communication Track in the Toastmasters educational program. By continuously practicing your speeches, as well as the components, such as speech organization, timing, vocal variety and gestures, you will have gained the ability to present a powerful presentation.

Toastmasters training also creates great teachers – the kind who lead classes or training sessions effectively. You’ teacher.

Maybe you are an attorney or in law school? Toastmasters is the ideal place to perfect your persuasive speaking skills so that you are able to present persuasive opening arguments, summations or cross-examinations and conduct yourself in a clear and concise manner in the courtroom.

Whatever the case may be, Toastmasters is the answer! ll be able to perfect new instructional techniques, gain experience and develop the confidence to become a great

As a result of joining Toastmasters and actively taking part, you will:

• Learn to communicate more effectively.

• Become a better listener.

• Improve your presentation skills.

• Increase your leadership potential.

• Become more successful in your career.

• Build your ability to motivate and persuade.

• Reach your professional and personal goals.

• Increase your self confidence.

Visit a local Toastmasters club today. To find a meeting location near you, go to www.toastmasters.org or visit our local website (Leominster-Fitchburg) at www.twincitytoastmasters.com or call the Twin City Toastmasters President John Feeley at 978-874-166 and start taking advantage of all that Toastmasters has to offer.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Steven Castle is Twin City Toastmasters best speaker.
Mr. Castle defeated many other contestants at the Club level Contest in March, and both the Area and Division Contest in April with his speech titled “My Heroes” and he will compete in May at the District level of the International Speech Contest. He will compete with the finalists for a chance to win the District level of the contest where the winner will move on to the Semi Finals in Las Vegas!
Steven Castle is a writer, editor, and humorist who recently completed Filthy Rich Things, a savage satire on our thirst for success and wealth. He also is Electronic House’s magazine editor and co-founder of Green Tech Advocates.
Twin City Toastmasters is one of more than 11,700 Toastmasters Clubs around the world. Each spring, approximately 50,000 members compete in club level contests. Through competition in the area, division, district and regional levels, ten contestants will vie for the title of “World Champion of Public Speaking,” which will climax at the organization’s World Championship at the convention in Las Vegas on August 20, 2011.