Thursday, August 26, 2010

News from Emily, our club Treasurer

It’s time for members to pay club dues for the October 2010 – April 2011 period. The total cost per member is $42, we’ll send $27 to the Toastmasters organization and we’ll keep $15 for the Twin City club. You can pay dues with cash or a personal check payable to “Twin City Toastmasters”. In order to avoid confusion, please only hand your funds to Emily W. (Treasurer) or John F. (President). Once the dues are paid to Toastmasters online, it will generate an email receipt that Emily will forward to you.

Moving forward, Emily will be the contact person between the club and the Leominster library regarding the use of the meeting room. You can expect that we’ll have a podium and whiteboard for meetings at the Leominster Library, but if you would like to use the library’s projector or other audio visual electronics please let both me and Bill B. (Sergeant at Arms) know a few days ahead of time. The library custodian sets up our meeting space in advance, but he leaves at 4pm on Tuesdays, so the electronics are not available at the last minute.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We are thinking of you David

Last week news spread of David H.'s recent health emergency. Many of our members have expressed their interest in keeping up with David's health. Peter Souders was able to get us some information.

You can keep up with David via his daughter, Jeanette, on a blog. She has been posting updates pretty regularly.

David, we all miss and love you. We hope you get better soon so we can see you at meetings again. We are all thinking about you!

Members, feel free to use the comments to post messages for David.