Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do you want to contribute to this blog?

All members of Twin City Toastmasters can submit posts to this blog. Even those who don't feel comfortable using the blog can submit something! How? Follow these directions:
  1. Pick something you want to write about
  2. Write about 300- 500 words
  3. Make sure you check the spelling (or ask Sara to check it for you)
  4. Copy and paste your article into an email
  5. Email it to Sara (toastmasters@librarygirl.org)
  6. Sara posts it to the blog
Here are a few topic ideas if you need them:
  • Your experience with the club
  • Something you have learned in Toastmasters
  • A recent Toastmasters event (conference, training, another club meeting)
  • A speaking, communicating or leadership tip you want to share with other members
  • A speech you are working on
  • An article you read about public speaking (include a link if it was online)
What do you get out of it? This is our club newsletter. You are helping create our club newsletter by submitting an article. You can get Competent Leader credit (the CL manual for meeting roles) when you help with the newsletter.

Still have questions? Just ask Sara for more information!